Monday 9 March 2015

Trends in Computing: Lesson 2

L/O To understand how your chosen technology has developed over time
OUTCOME You will have created an introduction to your presentation and begun to explain the development of your chosen technology

Starter - 5 minutes

  • Take a look at your AMENDED marks so far for Computing (you must attend clinics to improve on this mark now):
  • PLANNERS OUT!!! Homework: To book in a clinic!!


  1. In your Computing folder in your Sites folder - create a new folder called Trends In Computing
  2. Download the Trends in Computing Planning sheet
  3. Save it in the folder that you have just made
  4. Start researching ONE TOPIC. You could choose from the following perhaps:
  • Mobile phones
  • Video games consoles
  • Social networks
  • Satellite navigation systems
  • Computer generated imagery
  • Online retail
  • Robotics
  • Computers in sports
  • Computers and music
  • Virtual reality
Use the Internet to research your chosen area, complete the Trends in Computing Planning Sheet


Start a new PowerPoint
Use your planning to start making your Trends In Computing Presentation

Section1 - Title Slide
  • Title
  • Your Name and candidate number
  • Centre Name: Wildern School
  • Centre Number: 58243
Section 2 - Introduction
  • Introduce and describe the area of technology that you have chosen
  • Outline what you will talk about in your presentation


Section 3 - Development

  • Describe how your chosen technology has developed over time
  • Include suitable facts and images


Section 4 - Uses of Technology
  • Describe and explain at least 5 different uses for your chosen technology
  • For each use comment on it's impact
  • Include suitable facts and images

Plenary - 5 minutes

Share your work with a partner - give each other 2 stars and a wish

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