Monday 9 March 2015

eSafety competition

L/O: To be to evidence the Scratch project

OUTCOME: You will use the evaluation section on the Scratch evidence document to evaluate your work and then print the evidence

Starter - 10 minutes

An Animation competition example:


Main - 40 minutes

Red Task

a) Take a look at your Scratch Evidence document that you have been completing each lesson

b) Swap with another member of the class and give them a tick if they have added a screenshot to each section

c) Give them a sticker if they have managed to fill in all of the boxes

d) Write a comment under 'Teacher comment' choosing from one of the following:

  1. You have created a sound game and have clearly evidenced this
  2. You have created a sound game but needed to clearly evidence this a little more

Orange Task

  1. Read through the eSafety competition HERE
  2. Find out some facts about keeping safe online using the links below:

Internet Matter
sSafer Internet Day website
Kid Smart
Think U Know
CBBC - Stay Safe 
Child Net

Green Task

Create an animation on an eSafety topic using the following requirements:

Plenary - 10 minutes

Complete the evaluation section of your Scratch Evidence document and add your name to all pages
Email me your completed Scratch Evidence document -


IF YOU DID NOT FINISH IT THIS LESSON: Email your review to yourself and complete at home. Then email it to me -
Due next lesson - Wednesday 11th March

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