Monday 9 March 2015

Printing Evidence Document/eSafety Competition

L/O: To be to evidence the Scratch project

OUTCOME: You will use the evaluation section on the Scratch evidence document to evaluate your work and then print the evidence

Starter - 10 minutes

An Animation competition example:

Main - 40 minutes

Open your game

Red Task

a) Open your Scratch Evidence document that you have been completing each lesson

b) Check that each section is complete and that the screenshots are an appropriate size

c) Read through the evaluation section and complete

d) Add your name and class to the document and print to P676-1col

Orange Task

  1. Read through the eSafety competition HERE
  2. Find out some facts about keeping safe online using the links below:

Internet Matter
sSafer Internet Day website
Kid Smart
Think U Know
CBBC - Stay Safe 
Child Net

Green Task

Create an animation on an eSafety topic using the following requirements:

Plenary - 10 minutes

Complete the evaluation section of your Scratch Evidence document and add your name to all pages
Email me your completed Scratch Evidence document -


IF YOU DID NOT FINISH IT THIS LESSON: Email your review to yourself and complete at home. Then email it to me -
Due next lesson - Wednesday 11th March

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