Monday 4 July 2016

Kodu lesson 3

L/O - To understand how to use the terrain tools and control character’s movement using Kodu Game Lab

Starter - 5 minutes

  1. If you HAVE NOT done so already, click on THIS LINK - download the document and save it in your Year 7 ICT folder
  2. If you HAVE done so - open Kodu_Evidence_Document from your Year 7 ICT folder
  3. You will be carrying on with your evidencing of your game this lesson


Red Task
  1. Launch Kodu from All Programs > ICT and Business > Kodu Game Lab
  2. Make sure that you have created a world. Task 1: Create a world in Kodu
  3. Make sure that you have added some object to collect/avoid. Task 2: Adding Objects
Amber Task

  1. Make sure that you have programmed your objects. Task 3: Programming Objects
Green Task
  1. Make sure that you have added a scoreboard/health/etc. Task 4Adding Game-play 
Ext Task
  1. What else can you add to your game to increase the difficulty?


1. Add screenshots to your Kodu Evidence Document
2. Save and Export your game

3. Swap seats with someone else and play their game; giving them 2 stars and a wish feedback

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