Tuesday 20 October 2015

Reflecting and Improving: Lesson 2

L/O - To be able to reflect on your work and improve on it

Red - You will have improved SOME work on your ePortfolio and re-linked your work
Amber -
You will have improved MOST work on your ePortfolio and re-linked your work
Green - You will have improved ALL work on your ePortfolio 
and re-linked your work


Any missing work? CLICK HERE for the progress tracker --> and update me throughout the lesson by adding comments to your sheet


RED TASKContinue using suitable software (Microsoft Publisher / Adobe InDesign) for creating your instruction booklet
Save your instruction booklet inside DA204SPB
Save a second copy as a PDF and link it to your ePortfolio


Tick off 2 sections on the progress tracker = green

Tick off 4 sections on the progress tracker = gold


Share your booklet with a partner 

2 Stars and a Wish
Is your partners booklet suitable for their game and target audience?

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