Friday 27 March 2015

Game Interface: Lesson 3

L/O To appreciate what makes an effective game interface

Starter - 10 minutes

Open your menu screen ... Swap seats with someone else and give each other 2 Stars and a Wish feedback!

Main - 45 minutes


If you have improved on your Trends in Computing presentation, email it to me at:
Read through your feedback from me and book in a clinic!!


Using Adobe Fireworks / Photoshop / Illustrator create an empty canvas for each of the screens that you will need:
  • Main Menu
  • Instructions
  • Back Story
  • Win Screen
  • Lose Screen
MAKE SURE that each canvas is 640 x 480 pixels in size
MAKE SURE that you save each one as a PNG in your PRODUCTS folder AS WELL AS THE ORIGINAL FILE in case you need to edit it


  • Create the backgrounds that you will need for your 5 levels
  • MAKE SURE that you save each one as a PNG in your GAME folder

Plenary - 5 minutes


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