Sunday, 16 November 2014

Hardware Poster

L/O - To develop your understanding of the hardware topics

OUTCOME - You will complete various paper/electronic tasks including a poster in order to help you revise for the hardware test this/next week!

Starter - 5 minutes

Using the white boards, describe speakers and their purpose in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS!

Main Task 1

Using the Inputs and Outputs worksheet, put each device into the correct category
Mini-Plenary: Answers? 
Now stick them onto the correct boxes and use this as a revision resource
Extension Task: Take a photo of it and upload it onto your blog?!

    Main Task 2

    Think, Pair.. Share! 
    Think - Think of THREE hardware keywords (you can write this on the back of your whiteboard if you need to)
    Pair - Tell the person next to you your three keywords
    Share! - Share your partners keywords with the class

    Your Task
    Using your choice of software and your hardware keywords, create a revision resource in the form of a poster

    • Use keywords
    • Use Key phrases (below)
    • Use images to enhance the definitions

    Here are some key phrases you could use:

    • Input: "A device that enables information to be passed into the computer".
    • Output: "A device that receives information from the processor in the form of words, sounds or pictures".
    • RAM: "Random-Access Memory stores programs or data currently being used".
    • ROM: "Read-Only Memory stores non-volatile memory which retains data even when the computer is turned off".
    • CPU: "The Central Processing Unit processes data / instructions" 
    • Motherboard: "The motherboard is a circuit board that connects the CPU to the memory and all the other hardware".
    • Sound Card: "A device which can be slotted into a computer to allow the use of audio components for multimedia applications".
    • Graphics Card"A printed circuit board that controls the visual output to a display screen".

    Use these links to help you:

    Main Task 3

    Save your poster as a JPEG and add it to a new blog post titled 'Hardware Poster'
    Go over your Blog Posts - is there anything that you still need to revise ready for the hardware test next lesson??

    EXT Task:
    How could you increase storage space on your computer? Blog your answer!

    Mini-Plenary - 5 minutes

    Swap seats with a Test Buddy
    Give each other 2 Stars and a wish feedback

    Plenary - 5 minutes

    I will select the top 3 posters to go on the Students' Epic Work Wall!!

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