Wednesday, 5 November 2014


L/O 1 To continue to develop your Heroes and Villains work 

L/O 2 To develop an understanding of the mark scheme

L/O 3 To be able to give effective feedback

Starter - 10 minutes

Open a piece of work that needs feedback and swap seats with a Test Buddy. Give each other feedback using 2 stars and a wish using the sheet:

Example work:

Example feedback:

Requirements for this product:

Main Tasks - 45 minutes

Red Task:
In front of you:
  1. Stick your WAD sticker onto your folder
  2. Take a look at the mark scheme
  3. What is your target grade?
  4. What mark do you need to reach top achieve this?
On computer:
  1. Open your email - click here for the easy way:
  2. Go to your Drive (from the top 9 squares)
  3. Open your new ARS spreadsheet for this unit 
  4. What do you still need to complete?
  5. What mark are you on at the moment?

Orange Task:

Add feedback to Design Logs

Green Task:

Continue developing your ePortfolio/products using feedback from others

Plenary - 5 minutes

Add a comment to your ARS so that the Progress Tracker can be updated by me...


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