Monday, 10 November 2014

Computing: Hardware Lesson 12

L/O - To continue to develop your knowledge of input and output devices

OUTCOME - You will complete the paper task and then go on to create a poster

Starter - 5 minutes

Using the white boards, describe a monitor and its purpose in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS!

We will use cards for progress today and greens for getting to the green task!

Main Task 1 - 10 minutes

Using the worksheet, cut out each device and stick them onto the correct boxes

Main Task 2 - 35 minutes 

Using your choice of software and some of the devices from the RED task, create a poster on Input vs Output

Input: "A device that enables information to be passed into the computer".

Output: "A device that receives information from the processor in the form of words, sounds or pictures".

Main Task 3 - 5 minutes 

Save your poster as a JPEG and add it to a new blog post titled 'Input Vs Output Poster'
Go over your Blog Posts - is there anything that you still need to revise ready for the hardware test next lesson??

EXT Task:
What is a plotter? Blog your answer!

Mini-Plenary - 5 minutes

I will select the top 3 posters to go on the Students' Epic Work Wall

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