Tuesday 21 June 2016

COVER FOR 10N1 Task 1 Testing

L/O 1 To understand what is being asked for Task 1 of the controlled assessment
L/O 2 To be able to produce a simple menu in Python
L/O 3 To be able to test and record

Red - You will have created a simple menu in Python and added code to your menu to allow the user to choose a menu option
Amber - You will have added an infinite loop to your code
Green - 
You will have tested your code and recorded these findings
Ext - You will have completed flowcharts 1-3

Starter - 10 minutes

  1. Open up your A Population Model document in Word
  2. Use the images below to create a Testing Plan to test your code under the title 'Testing and Evaluation'

Main - 45 minutes


Follow the red, amber green tasks on your worksheet to create a simple menu in Python


Follow the blue task on your worksheet to apply the skills you have learnt to developing a main menu for your Population Model program. The options on the main menu should be:
  1. Set the Generation 0 values
  2. Display the Generation 0 values
  3. Run the model
  4. Export data
  5. Quit.
Take a screenshot of your code and add it to your Testing Plan
    1. Fix any errors and add it to your Testing Plan
    2. Take a screenshot of your completed code and add in under the title 'Solution Development'
    1. Open your Wildern email - mail.wildern.hants.sch.uk
    2. Open your Draw.io flowcharts
    3. Which ones do you still need to complete/improve to secure 9 marks for Design of Solution? 
    4. Complete Flowcharts for Task 1-6 plus an overview flowchart

    Plenary - 5 minutes

    Share your flowchart with a 'test buddy' for feedback
    Make a comment on the new progress tracker HERE to let me know what you've done

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