Monday 16 May 2016

Coursework: Lesson 2

L/O1 - To organise your work area and evidence document
L/O2 - To have understood what the controlled assessment is about

Red - You will have set up the folder needed for your controlled assessment
Amber - You will have set up an evidence document in Word
Green - You will have written a paragraph explaining what you have to do for your controlled assessment

Starter - 15 minutes

  1. Log into your Wildern email
  2. Go to Google Classroom
  3. First, find A Population Model Workbook - this is a digital copy of a helpbook to help you throughout the coursework
  4. Second, find the User Needs Task and work your way through it

Main - 35 minutes


Complete the User Needs starter task


Complete slides 9-10 Fill in A Population Model Workbook - explaining what the problem involves and what you need to do to solve it


Complete slide 11 - Make a bullet-point list of what the program needs to do (step-by-step)
Complete slide 12 - Put each one into a category so that you are ready to put these into flowchart software


Complete slide 15 - Flowchart in

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