Friday 13 May 2016

Adding Music

L/O - To understand how to use GameMaker to add appropriate music into your game


Why do games use music?
What kind of music would suit your game?
Discuss with the person next to you.



You can find lots of tracks on Mr Smith's area on the read drive:

  1. Download and save the music you have chosen into your:
  2. Sites --> DA204SPB--> Products --> Game 
  3. Make sure that you update your Assets Table

1. Load the Sound into your Game

2. Create an object called obj_StartMusic, put it into the room where you want the music to start

3. Create an object called obj_StopMusic, put it into the room where you want the music to stop playing


Download the development logs HERE
Test your music
Add your testing to the development log A


Play your game - does the music work as you expected?
Fix any bugs and update your development log section A

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