Monday 29 February 2016

Game Interface L4

L/O - To develop your screens
OUTCOME - You will develop your gaming screens and assets table this lesson

Computing Focus Week Starter


Clinics - see me!! And see progress tracker HERE



  • Open your gaming screens created so far
  • Make sure that record the screens as primary assets and any image from the internet as secondary assets


Using Adobe Fireworks / Photoshop / Illustrator create the screens that you designed on your storyboards on the computer:

  1. Main Menu
  2. Instructions
  3. Back Story
  4. Win Screen
  5. Lose Screen
MAKE SURE that you make any improvements needed from your storyboard feedback
MAKE SURE that each canvas is 640 x 480 pixels in size
MAKE SURE that you save each one as a PNG in your PRODUCTS - GAME folder


Create the backgrounds that you will need for your 5 levels
MAKE SURE that you save each one as a PNG in your GAME folder


Update your assets table
Clinics - see me!! And see progress tracker HERE
Pride stickers!!

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