Monday 2 November 2015

Unit 2: Lesson 1

L/O 1 - To review your knowledge of unit1
L/O 2 - To test your knowledge of unit2

Red - All of your unit 1 work will be completed and in your green book for assessment
Amber - You will have self assessed your attitude in unit1
Green - You will have completed a baseline assessment for unit 2

RED Task

Make sure all of the work we have done for unit1 is complete and stuck in your book for assessment:
  • Input / Output / Storage devices
  • Information Processing Cycle
  • Diagram of it
  • Definition of the keywords
  • Worksheet 1 - Computer Systems in everyday life (task1 and task2)
  • Worksheet 2 - Computer Systems in the modern world (task1 and task2)
  • Data Protection Act
  • Computer Misuse Act
  • Copyright Designs and Patent Act
  • Ethical Questions and Answers
  • Worksheet 3 Ethics and the Environmental Concerns 


  • Put a heading Unit1 Self-Assessment in your book
  • Give yourself an attitude grade for your Unit 1 work (E = Exceptional, C = Consistent, I = Inconsistent, P = Poor)
  • Set yourself a target for how you will improve your attitude in the next unit


Jess/Niamh: Complete Unit 1 Assessment BEFORE Unit 2

  • Complete the unit2 baseline assessment
    • If you already know the answer write it in black
    • If you need to use the internet to research the answer take the assessment back to your computer and write it in green

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