Wednesday 4 November 2015

Creating Assets

L/O 1 - To continue to develop your knowledge of primary and secondary images
L/O 2 - To continue to improve your graphic skills
L/O 3 - To be able to discuss what assets you will be using for your game

Red - You will have created a practice sprite using Adobe Illustrator
Amber - You will have begun creating the sprite for your main character
Green - You will have completed the sprite for your main character

Starter - 10 minutes

What are the differences between Primary and Secondary assets??

Main - 45 minutes


Using Adobe Illustrator and the tutorial BELOW have a go at creating the monster sprite!

Click on the monster for the tutorial!


Create your main sprite to be either 32x32 or 64x64  or 96x96 pixels
Save a copy as a .ai
Save a second copy as a .png


Click the red pacman button to create new sprites in gamemaker and load in what you have made

Plenary - 5 minutes

  • Make sure that you save your character in Sites --> DA204 SPB --> Products --> Game
  • Update your Assets table to include your sprites made in today's lesson

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