Friday 23 October 2015

Buttons and Sprites

L/O1 -To understand how to create a button in GameMaker so that you can set up a menu system for your game

L/O2 - To understand what testing is and appreciate it's importance

Red - You will have created buttons to ensure that your game can be played

Amber - You will have created a sprite
Green - You will have added a sprite to your game and tested your game

Starter - 15 minutes


Using the video below, load all of your screens into the game and create a set of working buttons

Main - 40 minutes


Create a sprite to be either 32x32 or 64x64  or 96x96 pixels
Save a copy as a .ai
Save a second copy as a .png


Click the red pacman button to create new sprites in gamemaker and load in what you have made

Plenary - 5 minutes

  • IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE SO ALREADY download the 4 parts of the Development Log  by clicking HERE
  • Save them in Sites --> DA204SPB --> Evidence --> Development Log
  • Copy and paste your rules from rules log into the formative testing section
  • Test your game to see if your buttons work correctly - record your results in the development log and fix any problems

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