Thursday 14 March 2013

Create me a Story: Storyboards Part 2


To be able to show your story using imagery as well as text 

To understand what a script is

Starter - 5 minutes

Hello 8x3. I will be assessing what you have done this lesson during next lesson and will award greens and golds for work and progress. You should all be able to complete part 1 and most should be able to make a good start on part 2. 

Log into your Wildern email account as you will need it for your plenary... Compose an email to your Wildern address (remember that the format is

Main Task - part 1 - 30 minutes

Continue to storyboard your animation using the storyboard sheets - you must finish these in todays lesson. Remember that you must have:
A title page
A contents page
At least 3 story pages
A 'choice' page
Ending 1 page
Ending 2 page

Main Task - part 2 - 25 minutes

Once you have finished storyboarding, you will write out a script for your story. Use Microsoft Office Word or similar. Look at the example script below for ideas on how to lay it out...

Plenary - 5 minutes

Ensure that your Wildern email is open and email yourself your script...... to complete over Easter (emailing it back to yourself once you are done)
Due date: 16/4/13
Evaluation of favourite animation to be collected for marking

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