Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Software L3

L/O - To identify different types and names of application software

L/O - To identify the different functions of application software

Outcome - You will have created a proposal for a company advising them on the different application software they should use

Starter - 5 minutes

While you are logging on... Guess the Application Software! eRefs for highest scores!

Main Tasks - 45 minutes

Red Task

Complete the Application Functions worksheet - this will help you during the orange task!

Orange Task

Read through the scenario and using your choice of softwareoutline your ideas

Green Task

Using the scenario and your choice of softwarepresent your ideas

Mini-Plenary - 5 minutes

Green Pen Marking - no cheating!
Did you match the application to its function correctly?

Plenary - 5 minutes

PAIR UP. Present your findings to each other!
Who wins?!

EXIT: Name ONE type of application software and its function

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