Wednesday 11 November 2015

Unit 2: Memory

L/O 1 - To test your knowledge of unit 2: hardware
L/O 2 - To develop your knowledge of 
unit 2: hardware

Red - You will have completed a baseline assessment for unit 2
Amber - You will have learnt what 
Cache, RAM, Registers and Hard Drive are
Green - You will have started revising for unit 2 and assessed your own work

Starter Task - 10 minutes

Using whiteboards, see how many words you can make out of the word MEMORY *the person with the most amount of words gets a gold!!

Main Task - 40 minutes

RED Task

Try completing the RAM and ROM worksheet


Continue with the Unit 2 Baseline Assessment to test your knowledge of the first unit 2 topic: hardware
  • If you already know the answer write it in black
  • If you need to use the internet to research the answer, leave that answer as you will take the assessment back to your computer and write those answers in green

    GREEN Task

    Use the website/presentation/YouTube to help you to complete the Baseline Assessment in green pen:


    EXT Task


    • What is Flash Memory? Write this down in your books and give examples
    • What is the difference between SSD (Solid State Devices) and HDD (Hard Disk Devices)? Give advantages and disadvantages for both. Use the link HERE to help

    Mini-Plenary - 5 minutes

    Using a green pen, assess your work. You should include:
    • Comments on SPAG
    • Attitude Grade (E,C,I,P) for presentation and effort
    • 1 Target for each piece of work

    Plenary - 5 minutes

    Take the quiz by clicking on the image below!

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