Thursday 12 November 2015

Unit 1: Flowcharts and LightBot

L/O To develop sequencing skills using online programs

Starter 1

Swap homestudy booklets with someone else in the class and give each other feedback using 2 stars (positives) and a wish (target). Remember to comment on SpAG!!

Starter 2

Volunteer: Act as the robot while the class gives you instructions


a) Using your piece of paper create a flowchart for the robot to follow to complete the first level of LightBot

b) Make your flowchart using Microsoft Visio

a) Follow your flowchart to complete the first level of LightBot by clicking here

b) Does it work? Is it efficient? Could it be better?

Continue working through LightBot and see how far you can get!


2. Save the document in SITES > ICT > Unit 1
3. Complete the LightBot sections of the document

Homework: Complete Task 2 in your HomeStudy Booklet 

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