Wednesday 25 November 2015

Storyboards: Lesson 2

L/O - To understand the mark scheme
OUTCOME - You will take a look at the mark scheme for Future Worlds and improve your work based on it

Starter - 10 minutes

In 3s/4s Take a look at the examplar storyboards HERE / mark scheme HERE and answer the following:
  1. Which strand do the storyboards come under?
  2. Which mark (roughly) would you award the storyboards?
  3. What am I looking for in the storyboards? E.G. A clear description of the screen
Before you carry on with the RAG tasks, take a look at the progress tracker HERE and see what you need to link

Main - 45 minutes


Linked to your ePortfolio:
1. A completed game overview
2. A moodboard - with annotations


3. A completed rules log


Storyboards drawn for:
  • Main Menu
  • Instructions Screen
  • Back Story
  • Level1
  • Level2
  • Level3
  • Level4
  • Level5
  • Win Screen
  • Lose Screen


Download these storyboard templates and add each storyboard image to it - annotating as you go

Plenary - 5 minutes

Swap your work with a partnerGive your test buddy two stars and a wish for their storyboards, commenting on:
  • Could you make a game screen from them?
  • Would they appeal to the target audience?

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