Thursday 12 November 2015


L/O 1 - To continue to develop your knowledge of primary and secondary images
L/O 2 - To continue to improve your graphic skills
L/O 3 - To 
continue to develop your assets for your game

Red - You will have updated your assets table 
Amber - You will have created the sprite for your main character
Green - You will have added backgrounds, sprites and buttons to your game

Starter - 10 minutes

Give three positive features of the three sprites pictured
Which would you improve and why?

Main - 45 minutes


Update your assets table


Create your main sprite to be either 32x32 or 64x64  or 96x96 pixels
Save a copy as a .ai
Save a second copy as a .png

Click the red pacman button to create new sprites in gamemaker and load in what you have made


Add all backgrounds to your game (as PNG files) and create buttons to ensure that you can navigate to and from each of the relevant screens (using tutorials below)


Create more sprites for your game

Plenary - 5 minutes

  • Make sure that you save your character in Sites --> DA204 SPB --> Products --> Game
  • Update your Assets table to include your sprites made in today's lesson

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