Wednesday 18 November 2015

Python Syntax

L/O TO Understand and be able to use basic Python Syntax
OUTCOME: Completed a simple python program to print to screen



What apps or programs have you used today?

Python is used to create different apps and programs for many different industries:

  • Science
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Financial
  • Government





Create a simple 'Hello' program in Python using the 'Print' command.

Write this code:

1.print (“Hello, how are you today?”)
2.print (“I hope you are enjoying learning Python”)
3.print (“What shall we code next?”)

Now change it to make your own message.


Python has an inbuilt calculator.

Try out a calculation in Python using the Print command.

* = Multiplication
- = Subtraction
/ = Division
+ = Additions

1.print (5*2)
2.print (6+6)
3.print (6/2)

See if the person next to you is just as quick to work out the calculation.


Download this evidence document: Unit 3 Python Evidence Document

Print screen your programs from today's lesson.


Use you assessment sheet to write down the different python commands you know.

Homework: Task 4

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