Monday, 14 September 2015

Computer Science - Unit1 Computer Systems Lesson 2

L/O1 - Understand that a computer system consists of hardware, software, data and often, communications technology
L/O2 - Understand that the basic elements of a computer system are input, processing, storage and output
L/O3 - Understand that a computer system may have one user or thousands of users, each performing different tasks


Red - You will be able to talk about the different parts of a computer system
Amber - You will be able to explain different kinds of computer system
Green - You will be able to identify key parts of different computer systems

Starter - 10 minutes

Worksheet 2 - Task 1.1

Red - Worksheet 2 - Task 1.2
Amber - Worksheet 2 - Task 2.3
Green - 
Worksheet 2 - Task 2.4


Worksheet 2 - Task 3.5

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