Friday 19 June 2015

Moodboard Annotations: Lesson 1

L/O - To be able to explain your game ideas through moodboard annotations

Outcome - You will annotate your moodboard; explaining your ideas and reasons

Starter - 5 min

Think, Pair...Share!
Look at the example work in front of you
Name at least THREE elements that I am looking for in the moodboard annotations

Main - 50 min

Take a photo of your moodboard once you are happy with it and save it into your Moodboard folder (in D204SPB --> Evidence --> Moodboard)

Start to annotate your moodboard; explaining your ideas. This can be in the form of a video - see example HERE - or a written document - see example HERE

GREEN TASKSwap annotations with a test buddy and get feedback on each section

Mini-Plenary - 3 min

Swap seats and give each other 2 Stars and a Wish feedback

Plenary - 2 min

Which colour have you ended up on? eRefs for progress!
Homework: Clinics after school to finish

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