Thursday 26 March 2015

Mock Exam Marks

L/O To self assess your mock exam so that you are aware of where the marks come from

Starter - 15 minutes

Fill in the Self-Assessment sheet

Main - 40 minutes

Going over some silly mistakes:
  1. ALL Dreamweaver templates
  2. Not making the banner 100% width
  3. Not linking the logo to using a hotspot
  4. Not drawing attention to TWO places on the map using Photoshop/Fireworks
  5. Not cropping a section of the products to show ONE product ONLY which then links to the full products
  6. Linking both clubs pages from a page OTHER THAN the clubs page!
  7. Not writing about improvements on the evaluation
  8. Not adding controls to your video/audio:
<video src="path to video" controls="controls" width="width in pixels" height="height in pixels"></video>
<audio src="path to audio" controls="controls" width="width in pixels" height="height in pixels"></audio>

Plenary - 5 minutes

Which ones are you still unsure of?

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