Tuesday 17 February 2015

Trading Cards Display and Trading Cards Box

L/O To develop your ideas for a set of trading cards

OUTCOME - You will develop your trading cards digitally

Starter - 5 minutes

Open your Wildern email - mail.wildern.hants.sch.uk
Look at the progress tracker and comment on your ARS to update me

You should have completed so far:
  1. Proposal
  2. Hero character
  3. Villain character
  4. Characters design log
  5. Phone Wallpaper
  6. Phone Wallpaper design log
  7. Hero Trading Card
  8. Villain Trading Card
  9. Additional Trading Card
  10. Trading Card design log    --> if you have NOT completed these tasks then you MUST be attending clinics

Main Task - 50 minutes

Red Task

Use software of your choice to create your trading cards
Hero Card
Villain Card
Additional Card (your choice)
Same back for all


Orange Task

Print, cut out and glue your cards together
Photo the front and back of your cards
Use Adobe Photoshop to create a display of your photos

Green Task

Paper designs:
Photo of the paper designs for each of your cards
Annotation explaining your paper designs
Feedback comments on your paper designs

Trading Cards
Screenshots of your cards at different stages of development
Annotation explaining what you have done and why
Annotated toolbars and menus showing the tools and techniques you have used

Feedback comments about your completed cards
Evidence of how you have improved your cards based on feedback

Ext Task

Upload everything to your ePortfolio

Mini-Plenary - 5 minutes

2 Stars and a Wish feedback on designs

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