Tuesday 3 February 2015

Storyboard Annotations: Part 4

L/O To develop your design work based on peer feedback
OUTCOME You will receive peer feedback and use this to develop your storyboards and rules log for your game

Starter - 5 minutes

(what colour is Monday)

Main - 50 minutes

Red Task - 30 minutes
Take your Computing test

Orange Tasks
Complete the template pages for:
  • main menu
  • instruction screen
  • back story screen
  • level 1
  • level 2

Green Task
Complete the template pages for:

  • level 3
  • level 4
  • level 5
  • win screen
  • lose screen

Ensure that all three are uploaded to your ePortfolio (find homepage.html in your D204SPB folder):

  1. Game Overview
  2. Moodboard Annotations 
  3. Rules Log
  4. Storyboards

Plenary - 5 minutes

Give each other 2 Stars and a Wish on each others work and feedback to each other 


Book in a clinic to finish any outstanding work!!

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