Monday, 23 February 2015

Final Scratch lesson

L/O: To develop programming skills using independent research and investigation

OUTCOME: You will aim to complete your Scratch game and evidence document

Starter - 10 minutes

a) Open your Scratch Evidence document that you have been completing each lesson

b) Check that each section is complete and that the screenshots are an appropriate size

c) Read through the evaluation section and begin noting down some answers to the questions

Main - 40 minutes

Open your game

Red Task
Ensure that you have the following in your game so far:

1.A forever loop to your 'good item' sprite so it moves (up and down or left and right for example)

2. A score variable

3. A text bubble to your enemy sprite so that it says something to your main character at the start of the game

Orange Task

Work on your game to add other elements that you would like - to make your game more interesting. You can use internet research to help.

Green Task
Use your own research to find out how to add another level in Scratch

Plenary - 10 minutes

Complete the evaluation section of your Scratch Evidence document


Email your review to yourself and complete at home
Due next lesson

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