Wednesday 14 January 2015

Thursday P1 9N1 Cover Lesson: Sequencing

L/O 1 - To be able to convert denary to binary L/O 2 - You will begin to understand sequencing
OUTCOME - You will feel confident converting denary to binary and will develop your knowledge of sequencing

Starter - 10 minutes

Complete the DENARY to BINARY worksheet (add your name and class to it so that I can give out Green eRefs!!)

Main - 45 minutes

Red Task - 5 minutes

During the exam you will be asked to complete at least one question on sequencing - and you only have THIS COVER LESSON to cover it!

Sequencing is the specific order in which instructions are performed in an algorithm"

Write the definition ABOVE of sequencing on your Sequencing worksheet

Orange Task - 5 minutes

Using the Homemade Pizza task, put the instructions into the correct order (add numbers 1-9 in the boxes).

Green Task - 20 minutes

Using your Sequencing worksheet, create your own example of an everyday task for someone else in the class to complete. Here are some examples that you could use if you are stuck:

  • Brushing your teeth
  • Making toast
  • Going fishing

Mini-Plenary - 5 minutes

Swap worksheets and see if someone else can fill yours in!

Extension Task - 15 minutes

Complete the Sources of Information worksheet

Thanks for covering!! 

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