Friday 30 January 2015

Scratch: Lesson 4

L/O To create and program variables using Scratch
OUTCOME You will start to add variables to your Scratch game

Starter - 5 minutes

Open your Scratch game and create a 'score' variable:

Main - 40 minutes

Red Task

Add script to your main character that sets the score to '0' when the game starts:

Orange Task

Add script to your 'enemy' that will decrease the score by 10 points (-10) when you hit it

Green Tasks

Load or create a sprite to act as way to collect points (coin, heart, jewel etc.)

Add script to your 'good item' that will increase the score by 10 points

Extension Task

Try adding a life or health variable into the game

Mini-Plenary - 10 minutes

  1. Open your Scratch Evidence Document
  2. Complete the Lesson 3 section
  3. Save your work


    Task: Make a new sprite using
    Due in: 9/2/15

    If you get stuck, follow these 5 simple steps:

    1. Make a new sprite using

    2. Click on the save button, give your artwork a name and click 'Share now'

    3. Click on the URL (the long link!):

    4. Click download: 

    5. Email your png file to my Wildern Email address

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