Monday 19 January 2015

Scratch: Lesson 3

L/O To demonstrate selection programming using the 'if' function in Scratch
OUTCOME You will start to add 'if' statements to your Scratch game

Starter - 5 minutes

  1. Stick your WAD sticker to your ICT folder and reflect using the yellow reflection sheet
  2. Open your Scratch game from your Year 8 ICT folder
  3. Open your Yr8 - Unit 1_Scratch Programming Evidence document from your Year 8 ICT folder
  4. Check that you have added the following script to your main character: 

Main - 40 minutes

Red Task

1. Import a sprite that will be the enemy in your game

2. Create or import a background for your game

Orange Task

1. Add some code blocks to your game for the enemy sprite that:

  • makes the enemy sprite move in a random direction
  • if touching the edge bounce away

Green Tasks

Edit the code blocks of your main character sprite to include an 'If Else' statement

Extension Task

Add in some If and If Else statements of your own into the game

Mini-Plenary - 10 minutes

1) Download the Unit 1 Scratch Programming Evidence Document below:


2) Save in your SITES > Year 8 ICT folder
3) Complete the Lesson 1+2 sections of the document
4)Save your work

Homework - 5 minutes

Task 7 - Identify the Scratch tools

Due Date - Monday 26th January

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