Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Scratch: Lesson 1

L/O To demonstrate importing and editing sprites using Scratch
OUTCOME You will start to create characters for your own game

Starter - 15 minutes

Over the next 6-7 lessons we will be creating a game using the Scratch software

Creating a Main Character

a) Go to makepixelart.com/free/
b) Create a main character for your game - the video below will help

Main - 40 minutes

Red Task

Finish designing your main character

Orange Task
Importing and ProgrammingFollow the video below to import and edit your main character

Adding Script: Add script to your main character so that the character will always follow the mouse

Green Tasks

1. Import a sprite that will be the enemy in your game

 2. Create or import a background for your game 

Extension Task
Can you download your own enemy or object sprite from the internet and import into your game

Plenary - 5 minutes

a) Download the Unit 1 Scratch Programming Evidence Document below:


b) Save in your SITES > ICT > Unit 1 folder
c) Complete the Lesson 1 section of the document

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