Thursday, 1 January 2015

Developing Web Products Exam: Lesson 1 of 10

L/O To develop an understanding of the Developing Web Products exam
OUTCOME You will familiarise yourself with the resources needed to sit your exam this year

Starter - 10 minutes

Familiarise yourself with the resources you will need for the Developing Web Products exam HERE 

We will spend 10 lessons setting up a website (in which you will have 2 and a half hour in the actual exam!!).

Main - 45 minutes

Red Task
Take a look at the example exams below and answer the following questions:

  1. What was the purpose of the website?
  2. Who do you think the intended audience was? What made you decide this?
  3. What do you like about the website in particular?
  4. Which elements do you think could be improved?

Examplar 1

Examplar 2

Examplar 3

Examplar 4

Examplar 5

Orange Task
Think, Pair.. Share 
What makes a GOOD website? Come up with 5 elements

Green Task
Together we will go through slides 3-7 and set up the initial stages of a website

Plenary - 5 minutes

What have you learnt so far? What did you find difficult?


Revise the Google slides 

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