Monday, 15 December 2014

Christmas Tree Coding!!

Task 1

Have a go at creating your own animated Christmas Tree to send to a friend! or post on your blog:

There are just 10 easy steps:

1. Click HERE to get started!

2. Click on 'Code The Holidays' :

3. Drag and drop the code to create your very own Christmas tree:

4. Once you are finished creating your tree click 'DONE'
5. Then click 'Finish without submitting' 
6. You can now download your christmas tree and send it to a friend or upload it to your blog... To upload, go to Giphy HERE
7. Upload your GIF and click 'Upload GIF'
8. Next copy the embed code like so:

9. And paste it into the HTML of a new blog post. 
10. Lastly, publish your blog post to add a little Christmas to your blog

Task 2

Try Tracking Santa HERE!!

Task 3 

Click HERE to look at the Hour Of Code 

There will be green and gold eRefs for the lesson for 'Involvement in house competition'!

Task 4

Click HERE for a Christmas edition of Factory Balls!

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