Saturday, 8 November 2014

Heroes and Villains: Strand A

L/O 1 - To be able to fully justify your design decisions 

L/O 2 - To respond to feedback

Outcome - You will give and respond to peer feedback and add more detail to your 3D Character Design logs; justifying your design decisions in order to gain full marks on Strand A!

Starter - 10 minutes

Complete the Tools and Techniques Sheet IN DETAIL!

Main Tasks - 45 minutes

Red Task

Apply the descriptions you have used in your 'Adobe Illustrator - Tools and Techniques' starter task to your own design logs. Most of you simply need to answer these:
WHY did you use certain tools over others? HOW will these ensure that the characters appeal to the target audience?

What is THIS design log missing?
See last page:

Orange Task

Open up your email:
Open Google Drive
Open your ARS
Look at the mark scheme in front of you and look at your required mark on your new ARS spreadsheet - what score do you have to get this year in order to meet your amended TG?
Look at your 3D Characters Checklist - what do you still have left to do? 

Make improvements to Hero character using peer feedback
Make improvements to Villain character using peer feedback

Green Task

Print both characters out and Assemble them
Take photographs of both characters from the front, side and back

Add photographs to your Evidence webpage and design log

Add completed designs to your Design Log and annotate them (using the starter task sheet!!)

Extension Task: 

We will be starting a new part of the project next lesson - phone wallpaper. RESEARCH and find good examples

Extension Task 2:
Using the sheet, start to design your phone wallpaper

Mini-Plenary - 5 minutes

Using the Feedback sheet, give each other 2 Stars and a Wish feedback 
This can then be added to your Design Logs!

Plenary - 5 minutes

Have you justified design decisions?
Make a comment on your ARS so that I can re-mark

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